Oracle Database Foundations: Technology Fundamentals for IT Success

Oracle Database Foundations: Technology Fundamentals for IT Success

by Bob Bryla

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The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable, coreconcepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year, needs to knowthis year, and will still need to know next year. The purpose of theFoundations series is to identify these concepts and present them in a waythat gives you the strongest possible starting point, no matter

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The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable, coreconcepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year, needs to knowthis year, and will still need to know next year. The purpose of theFoundations series is to identify these concepts and present them in a waythat gives you the strongest possible starting point, no matter what yourendeavor.

Oracle Database Foundations provides essentialknowledge about installing, configuring, maintaining, and querying Oracle9i and 10g databases. What you learn here will benefit you in theshort term, as you acquire and practice your skills, and in the long term, as youuse them. Topics covered include:

  • Basic relationaldatabase concepts
  • Reporting and querying using SQL*Plus andiSQL*Plus
  • Creating and maintaining a database
  • Managing user access andsecurity
  • Understanding Oracle database functions
  • Using multiple tables ina query
  • Restricting, sorting, and grouping data
  • Optimizing database performance
  • Creating backups
  • Troubleshooting database errors

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Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.77(d)

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