Oracle DBA Handbook,7.3 Edition / Edition 2

Oracle DBA Handbook,7.3 Edition / Edition 2

by Kevin Loney

Completely revised and updated to cover Oracle7 Release 7.3, the Oracle DBA Handbook, 7.3 Edition is here to make your life as database administrator easier and more productive. It provides the information you need to effectively manage a networked or stand-alone Oracle database system. In this official handbook authorized by Oracle, expert Kevin Loney shows you how… See more details below


Completely revised and updated to cover Oracle7 Release 7.3, the Oracle DBA Handbook, 7.3 Edition is here to make your life as database administrator easier and more productive. It provides the information you need to effectively manage a networked or stand-alone Oracle database system. In this official handbook authorized by Oracle, expert Kevin Loney shows you how to set up a database for maximum efficiency, monitor it, tune it, and maintain security. You'll find tips on networking Oracle 7 Release 7.3 with SQL*Net on UNIX, as well as tips on using Oracle's distributed database and client-server capabilities. And you'll learn about supporting tools, including Oracle CASE, Oracle Financials, and Oracle utilities, as well as third-party tools. A command reference, configuration guidelines, and scripts are also included to help get you started in setting up your Oracle database.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Oracle Press Series
Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.02(h) x 1.45(d)

Table of Contents

1The Oracle Architecture3
2Hardware Configurations and Considerations37
3Logical Database Layouts59
4Physical Database Layouts73
5Managing the Development Process123
6Monitoring Multiple Databases153
7Managing Rollback Segments207
8Database Tuning245
9Database Security and Auditing291
10Optimal Backup and Recovery Procedures333
11Supporting Oracle*CASE379
12Supporting Oracle Financials389
13Supporting Oracle Utilities409
14Supporting Third-Party Tools421
15SQL*Net V1 and V2429
16Networking in UNIX449
17Managing Distributed Databases465
App. ADatabase Creation Procedures499
App. BDatabase Installation Guidelines521
App. CSQL Reference for DBA Commands531
App. DConfiguration Guidelines for Client-Server Environments683

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