Oracle DBA on Unix and Linux

Oracle DBA on Unix and Linux

by Michael Wessler, Mike Wessler

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Oracle DBA on Unix and Linux provides all the information needed to install, support, tune, and upgrade Oracle databases on the UNIX and Linux platforms. Maintain a robust, mission-critical Oracle8i database. This book provides administrative solutions for the day-to-day DBA. You'll learn how to install the database for maximum efficiency, upgrades, patches,

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Oracle DBA on Unix and Linux provides all the information needed to install, support, tune, and upgrade Oracle databases on the UNIX and Linux platforms. Maintain a robust, mission-critical Oracle8i database. This book provides administrative solutions for the day-to-day DBA. You'll learn how to install the database for maximum efficiency, upgrades, patches, migrations, tune, and maintain its security. The book also explains in detail how to build and support a fully functioning Oracle database. This authoritative text contains up-to-date information available on Oracle's latest release and shows you how to: configure database architecture; install and set up with UNIX requirements; create the actual database with scripts; GUI management products; use Backup and Recovery; tune, monitor, and troubleshoot servers; Web DB and the Oracle Portal, 8i, iFS, Java, and 9I coverage; and iAS—Internet Application Server.

Editorial Reviews

This book covers Oracle databases on both Unix and Linux platforms, offering techniques that bridge the gap between the database administrator and the Unix/Linux system administrator. The core responsibilities of the Oracle database administrator are covered in depth, from the Unix and Linux perspectives. Coverage includes the architecture of both operating systems, with material on system planning, installation, database creation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and backup and recovery. Installation and configuration of new products, such as Oracle Portal, is discussed. Wessler is an Oracle consultant working at the Department of Defense. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Kaleidoscope Series
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.20(d)

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