Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook

Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook

by Michael Stowe

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Supercharge your Web and client/server applications with Developer/2000 V. 2.1!

Oracle's Developer/2000 Version 2.1 is an outstanding tool for Web and client/server development - but Oracle ships it with practically no hard copy documentation! To make the most of this supercharged development environment, get Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook, Second

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Supercharge your Web and client/server applications with Developer/2000 V. 2.1!

Oracle's Developer/2000 Version 2.1 is an outstanding tool for Web and client/server development - but Oracle ships it with practically no hard copy documentation! To make the most of this supercharged development environment, get Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook, Second Edition. This comprehensive tutorial and reference delivers step-by-step instructions for every Developer/2000 component - including forms, reports, graphics, data modeling and design tools. You'll learn the best ways to use each tool, and discover practical solutions for the key challenges of Web and client/server development.

Coverage includes:

  • Oracle's Web architecture, including back-end databases and middle-tier Web servers.
  • Tuning applications for optimal performance.
  • Building GUIs that maximize productivity.
  • Practical SQL and PL/SQL coding techniques.
  • Pitfalls and traps - and how to avoid them.

If you want great results with your next Oracle Developer/2000 application, one book brings together all the real-world techniques and insight you need: Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook, Second Edition.


The accompanying CD-ROM contains extensive Oracle Developer/2000 sample code, plus a CBT Systems Developer/2000 Training Module worth $225!

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Editorial Reviews

A tutorial and reference to make up for the lack of hard-copy documentation accompanying the software package itself. Provides step- by-step instructions for every component, including forms, reports, graphics, data modeling, and design tools. Also offers information on Oracle's Web architecture, tuning applications for optimal performance, building graphical user interfaces, and avoiding pitfalls and traps. The CD-ROM contains Developer/2000 sample code plus a full training module. Sources for more information or help are listed, but no bibliography per se is included. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Prentice Hall Oracle Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.03(w) x 9.24(h) x 1.00(d)

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