Oracle Developer - 2000

Oracle Developer - 2000

by Michael W. Stowe

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Application developers must balance the skills of a graphic artist, an analyst, a writer, and a programmer. This book addresses these needs by presenting both theoretical and practical advice for creating user-friendly applications in Oracle's Developer/2000 tool suite. Taking a holistic approach, Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook presents principles of data modeling,… See more details below


Application developers must balance the skills of a graphic artist, an analyst, a writer, and a programmer. This book addresses these needs by presenting both theoretical and practical advice for creating user-friendly applications in Oracle's Developer/2000 tool suite. Taking a holistic approach, Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook presents principles of data modeling, GUI design, and coding with SQL and PL/SQL, all within the setting of Oracle's tools. This integrated style makes the book ideal for programmers and developers, as well as managers and users who want to understand more about Oracle. The author begins by exploring the paradigm of Oracle, including a conceptual review of database engines and SQL. Detailed walk-throughs are provided for Oracle Forms, Reports, and Graphics, with tips throughout. Appendices cover the built-ins for each tool and those common to all Developer/2000 tools. The enclosed MS-DOS-format diskette contains Forms, Graphics, and Reports examples from the book. Also included is a shareware version of Barclock, a Windows resource monitor.

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Editorial Reviews

A book/disk package presenting principles of data modeling, GUI design, and coding with SQL and PL/SQL within the context of Oracle's tools, and covering forms, reports, graphics, and tools such as Terminal and Procedure Builder. Appendices list forms object properties, and built-ins for each tool and those common to all Developer/2000 tools. The accompanying disk contains examples from the book, and a shareware version of Barclock. For applications developers with a working knowledge of SQL and relational databases. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.01(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.97(d)

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