Oracle Developer Forms Techniques

Oracle Developer Forms Techniques

by Bulusu Lakshman

Oracle Developer Forms Techniques describes the concepts and techniques needed to build Web-enabled applications with Forms. The book covers advanced topics in great detail, including understanding and overcoming error handling limitations in Forms, such as errors which cannot be tracked through normal FORM_SUCCESS or FORM_FAILURE, ordering by items based on FK

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Oracle Developer Forms Techniques describes the concepts and techniques needed to build Web-enabled applications with Forms. The book covers advanced topics in great detail, including understanding and overcoming error handling limitations in Forms, such as errors which cannot be tracked through normal FORM_SUCCESS or FORM_FAILURE, ordering by items based on FK look-ups, obtaining Query Count without actually executing a query, and performing an exclusive server-side commit from Forms. The book also covers object-oriented methods in Forms, and Intelligence in Forms. Code segments are provided to help developers implement these techniques, thus easing application development time and effort.

Editorial Reviews

Features real-world applications, undocumented tips, projects, and techniques for developing Oracle Forms. Coverage includes advanced GUI development, advanced forms programming, object-oriented methods, and working with trees. Prerequisites are a working knowledge of Oracle RDBMS and SQL, the PL/SQL language, and Oracle Forms. For developers, IS managers, technical managers, and system analysts. The author is an experienced Oracle Forms applications developer. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Other Sams Series
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.70(d)

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