Oracle Networking

Oracle Networking

by Hugo Toledo

You're holding the key to mastering the intricacies of Oracle connectivity. Nowhere else can you find such complete coverage of the high-level issues of Oracle and enterprise networking issues. Within the pages of this book, Oracle Networking, you'll discover the secrets of building a heterogeneous networked environment using the full range of Oracle tools, and become… See more details below


You're holding the key to mastering the intricacies of Oracle connectivity. Nowhere else can you find such complete coverage of the high-level issues of Oracle and enterprise networking issues. Within the pages of this book, Oracle Networking, you'll discover the secrets of building a heterogeneous networked environment using the full range of Oracle tools, and become a master builder, no matter what your skill level is now. In Oracle Networking internetworking expert Hugo Toledo, Jr. takes you on a rich tour of Oracle's many connectivity features and components. You'll gain a solid understanding of these components and then learn how to integrate them with other products and environments. Using plain English and many clear examples, Toledo lays the groundwork and then explains all the complexities, including selecting the optimal Oracle connectivity solutions, providing secure access to Oracle7 databases via the World Wide Web, optimizing Oracle connections for throughput, developing and deploying mobile applications using Oracle Mobile Agents, designing desktop replication solutions using Personal Oracle7 Enterprise Edition, upgrading to the 32-bit technology found in Windows 95 and Windows NT, and supporting cross-platform distributed processing from Macintosh and Windows.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Oracle Press Series
Product dimensions:
7.42(w) x 9.15(h) x 0.82(d)

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