Oracle Performance Troubleshooting: With Dictionary Internals SQL and Tuning Scripts

Oracle Performance Troubleshooting: With Dictionary Internals SQL and Tuning Scripts

by Donald K. Burleson, Robin Schumacher

This second edition is authored by two of the world's most widely read DBAs and Oracle internals experts, Donald Burleson and Robin Schumacher. It is an indispensable guide for any Oracle professional who is looking for real world tuning techniques.

If you're a DBA who's looking for Oracle scripts and advice on how to get to the heart of critical Oracle performance

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This second edition is authored by two of the world's most widely read DBAs and Oracle internals experts, Donald Burleson and Robin Schumacher. It is an indispensable guide for any Oracle professional who is looking for real world tuning techniques.

If you're a DBA who's looking for Oracle scripts and advice on how to get to the heart of critical Oracle performance problems, then you've come to the right place. Our second edition authors focus their incredible knowledge of the Oracle data dictionary into a superb book that shows how to quickly troubleshoot and correct Oracle performance problems.

Product Details

Rampant TechPress
Publication date:
Oracle In-Focus series Series
Edition description:
Second edition
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.46(d)

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