Oracle Performance Tuning

Oracle Performance Tuning

by Peter Corrigan, Mark Gurry

The ORACLE relational database management system is the most popular database system in use today. ORACLE offers tremendous power and flexibility, but at some cost. Demands for fast response make performance a major issue. Whether you're a manager, a designer, a programmer, or an administrator, with the tips presented here, you can dramatically increase the

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The ORACLE relational database management system is the most popular database system in use today. ORACLE offers tremendous power and flexibility, but at some cost. Demands for fast response make performance a major issue. Whether you're a manager, a designer, a programmer, or an administrator, with the tips presented here, you can dramatically increase the performance of your ORACLE system—and save time and bother. 9/93.

Editorial Reviews

Tuning is crucial for complex relational database management systems. This guide shows managers, programmers, and administrators the alternatives to throwing money at performance problems (for buying larger and more expensive computers or hiring expert consultants). Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Publication date:
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.03(w) x 9.14(h) x 1.39(d)

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