Oracle PL/SQL 101

Oracle PL/SQL 101

by Christopher Allen

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Learn to use SQL and PL/SQL in your Oracle database.

Get step-by-step details on performing database tasks quickly and easily.

Oracle PL/SQL 101 explains how to use SQL to work with data in a database, and how to automate complicated tasks using PL/SQL. You�ll learn by doing—each chapter contains hands-on exercises designed to teach the concepts

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Learn to use SQL and PL/SQL in your Oracle database.

Get step-by-step details on performing database tasks quickly and easily.

Oracle PL/SQL 101 explains how to use SQL to work with data in a database, and how to automate complicated tasks using PL/SQL. You�ll learn by doing—each chapter contains hands-on exercises designed to teach the concepts presented. This easy-to-follow book starts with database basics and then teaches how to store, retrieve, and manipulate data, control SQL*Plus, create and use SQL functions, and write PL/SQL programs.

  • Understand the key components of a database—tables, rows, records, columns, and fields

  • Create database tables, indexes, and constraints

  • Write SQL commands to insert, select, update, and delete data

  • Perform advanced data manipulation

  • Write complete PL/SQL functions and procedures

  • Declare variables using anchored types

  • Create PL/SQL packages

  • Use triggers to enforce complex business rules and security measures

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Osborne Oracle Press Series
Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 9.26(h) x 1.18(d)

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