Oracle Programming with Visual Basic

Oracle Programming with Visual Basic

by Nick Snowdon

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Despite repeated attempts, including failed products, Oracle has been unable to create a development tool which will solve the problem with getting information out of the database and into the hands of managers and users. But, now here is a source to build quick and effective programs for inputting information into an Oracle database or creating reports. The book has… See more details below


Despite repeated attempts, including failed products, Oracle has been unable to create a development tool which will solve the problem with getting information out of the database and into the hands of managers and users. But, now here is a source to build quick and effective programs for inputting information into an Oracle database or creating reports. The book has been technically reviewed by the Microsoft developer support team and by an Oracle employee to insure the highest possible level of technical accuracy.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.51(w) x 9.03(h) x 1.90(d)

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