Oracle Replication: Snapshot, Multi-master and Materialized Views Scripts

Oracle Replication: Snapshot, Multi-master and Materialized Views Scripts

by John Garmany, Robert G. Freeman

With the advent of inexpensive and fast worldwide connectivity, many Oracle professionals recognize the benefits of distributing Oracle data; however, Oracle multi-master replication is extremely complex and time-consuming to implement. This book addresses the complexity of Oracle replication by providing working code examples and illustrations of working systems.

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With the advent of inexpensive and fast worldwide connectivity, many Oracle professionals recognize the benefits of distributing Oracle data; however, Oracle multi-master replication is extremely complex and time-consuming to implement. This book addresses the complexity of Oracle replication by providing working code examples and illustrations of working systems. Demonstrated is every aspect of Oracle snapshot replication, including syntax for refresh intervals, managing snapshot logs, monitoring oracle replication, and refresh timings. Also detailed are techniques for implementing conflict resolution in multi-master replication.

Product Details

Rampant Techpress
Publication date:
Oracle In-Focus series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
8.90(w) x 6.00(h) x 0.60(d)

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