Oracle Rman Pocket Reference

Oracle Rman Pocket Reference

by Darl Kuhn, Scott Schulze

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"Oracle RMAN Pocket Reference" is a handy guide for DBAs who intend to use Oracle Recovery Manager for database backup and recovery. Because Recovery Manager (RMAN) is a relatively new tool, many DBAs are just becoming familiar with it. This timely book explains clearly and concisely how to use RMAN for common backup and recovery tasks that are infrequent, yet

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"Oracle RMAN Pocket Reference" is a handy guide for DBAs who intend to use Oracle Recovery Manager for database backup and recovery. Because Recovery Manager (RMAN) is a relatively new tool, many DBAs are just becoming familiar with it. This timely book explains clearly and concisely how to use RMAN for common backup and recovery tasks that are infrequent, yet extremely vital.

Product Details

O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
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5.98(w) x 9.02(h) x 0.59(d)

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