Oracle Solid State Disk Tuning: High Performance Oracle Tuning with RAM Disk (Oracle in Focus Series)
  • Oracle Solid State Disk Tuning: High Performance Oracle Tuning with RAM Disk (Oracle in Focus Series)
  • Oracle Solid State Disk Tuning: High Performance Oracle Tuning with RAM Disk (Oracle in Focus Series)

Oracle Solid State Disk Tuning: High Performance Oracle Tuning with RAM Disk (Oracle in Focus Series)

by Donald K. Burleson, Michael R. Ault, Donald K. Buarleson, Mike Ault

Targeted at Oracle professionals who need fast and accurate working examples of complex issues, Oracle In-focus books target specific areas of Oracle technology in a concise manner. Plenty of working code is provided without a lot of theory, allowing database managers to solve their problems quickly without reviewing data that they already know. All code scripts

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Targeted at Oracle professionals who need fast and accurate working examples of complex issues, Oracle In-focus books target specific areas of Oracle technology in a concise manner. Plenty of working code is provided without a lot of theory, allowing database managers to solve their problems quickly without reviewing data that they already know. All code scripts are available for instant download from a companion web site.

Product Details

Rampant Techpress
Publication date:
Oracle in Focus Series
Product dimensions:
6.90(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.60(d)

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