Oracle SQL / Edition 1

Oracle SQL / Edition 1

by Bijoy Bordoloi, David Brian Kroenke, Douglas B. Bock, David Brian Kroenke

Focusing on standard ANSI SQL with a learn-by-doing approach, this book organizes SQL subtopics into short chapters. Readers first learn the features of a SQL command, then its usage, based on management questions that typically arise in the management decision-making process. Provides additional examples of the supplemental commands provided in the Oracle… See more details below


Focusing on standard ANSI SQL with a learn-by-doing approach, this book organizes SQL subtopics into short chapters. Readers first learn the features of a SQL command, then its usage, based on management questions that typically arise in the management decision-making process. Provides additional examples of the supplemental commands provided in the Oracle implementation of SQL. Ensures that all of the SQL concepts and commands covered (except in SQL *Plus and PL/SQL) are equally applicable to database management system software that follows the ANSI SQL standard—including DB2, SQL Server, and SYBASE. Integrates numerous exercises and examples throughout. Offers detailed coverage of SQL, including SQL *Plus and Oracle Database Administration. Covers Data Definition Language with SQL. A valuable reference for SQL programmers, systems analysts, database programmers, and database administrators.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.90(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.60(d)

Related Subjects

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introduction1
Ch. 2Creating Tables and Indexes20
Ch. 3Single Table Query Basics46
Ch. 4Adding Power to Queries66
Ch. 5Aggregate Row Functions90
Ch. 6Joins109
Ch. 7Subqueries130
Ch. 8Views, Synonyms, and Sequences153
Ch. 9SQL*Plus Reports176
Ch. 10Additional Functions206
Ch. 11Embedded SQL228
Ch. 12Oracle Database Administration242
App. AThe Company Database Schema263
App. BThe Riverbend Hospital Case278
App. CEnd-of-Book SQL Coding Exercises289
App. DSolutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises311

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