Oracle8 and UNIX Performance Tuning

Oracle8 and UNIX Performance Tuning

by Ahmed Alomari

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Oracle Senior Performance Engineer Ahmed Alomari covers virtually every relevant optimization technique in Oracle8, Oracle7, and three leading versions of UNIX: Solaris 2.6, HP-UX 11, and Sequent Dynix-ptx 4.4. He presents in-depth coverage of both OLTP and DSS applications, covering optimization of the UNIX kernel, memory, processors and I/O, and all these major… See more details below


Oracle Senior Performance Engineer Ahmed Alomari covers virtually every relevant optimization technique in Oracle8, Oracle7, and three leading versions of UNIX: Solaris 2.6, HP-UX 11, and Sequent Dynix-ptx 4.4. He presents in-depth coverage of both OLTP and DSS applications, covering optimization of the UNIX kernel, memory, processors and I/O, and all these major Oracle8 performance enhancements.

Editorial Reviews

A book/CD-ROM package providing a high level of detail in the internal workings of the Oracle and UNIX kernals, covering only the latest versions of this software. Material is organized into two major areas of decision support and transaction workloads. Requires a basic understanding of SQL and UNIX shell language, and experience with UNIX system and Oracle database administration. The CD-ROM contains performance monitoring scripts, product information, and extensive white papers. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Publication date:
Prentice Hall Oracle Series
Product dimensions:
7.09(w) x 9.27(h) x 1.05(d)

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