Oracle8 For Dummies

Oracle8 For Dummies

by Carol McCullough, Jill Newsome

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Oracle is one of the most powerful, most sophisticated databases around. But let's face it -- the accompanying manuals leave something to be desired. Fortunately, with Oracle8 For Dummies, you can get up to speed quickly with the latest version of this top database program.

Professional Oracle database administrator Carol McCullough covers all the

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Oracle is one of the most powerful, most sophisticated databases around. But let's face it -- the accompanying manuals leave something to be desired. Fortunately, with Oracle8 For Dummies, you can get up to speed quickly with the latest version of this top database program.

Professional Oracle database administrator Carol McCullough covers all the essential topics, including

  • Using SQL Worksheet, a utility that uses industry-standard SQL (Standard Query Language) to let you get at your data, wherever it may reside
  • Working with a diagram to make sense of an existing database or to make your own new database sensible from the get-go
  • Thinking in terms of objects and realizing their relational potential for your data
  • Creating tables and controlling security and data sharing
  • Generating precise, useful reports that transform mere data into valuable information
  • Optimizing Oracle8 and your SQL programs for quick, as well as accurate, results

Plus, Oracle8 For Dummies comes complete with a bonus Windows NT 4 CD-ROM containing a sample database along with sample scripts to experiment with and adapt for your own projects.

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Product Details

Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.42(w) x 9.21(h) x 1.03(d)

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