Oracle8 on Windows NT

Oracle8 on Windows NT

by Lilian Hobbs, Lillian Hobbs

Oracle Databases on Windows NT is aimed at anyone who needs an appreciation of the facilities available from the Oracle Server on the Windows NT platform. It specifically focuses on how to use the GUI interface, Oracle Enterprise Manager, to create, design and manage an Oracle database on NT. However, this book is appropriate for anyone who using Oracle Enterprise

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Oracle Databases on Windows NT is aimed at anyone who needs an appreciation of the facilities available from the Oracle Server on the Windows NT platform. It specifically focuses on how to use the GUI interface, Oracle Enterprise Manager, to create, design and manage an Oracle database on NT. However, this book is appropriate for anyone who using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

By reading this book the reader will learn how to create a database and define all the components such as tables and indexes. It shows how to manage the database, tune it, and use it for Web-based applications. Other advanced features such as replication, distribution, and NT clusters are also covered.

What is GUI? GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, which is what Windows is based on — icons, pulldown menus, point and click functionality. Most Oracle databases are run on UNIX, which depends on code, and doesn't have the windows interface.

Specifically written for the Windows NT database user
Shows how to manage Oracle databases using the GUI interface
Foreword by Dr. Jerry Held, Senior Vice President for Oracle Server Technologies

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Editorial Reviews

Targeted at experienced Windows NT administrators and database administrators familiar with Oracle, this text introduces Oracle as implemented on Windows NT, describing the important features of Oracle8 and reviewing essential administrator roles such as creating and configuring a database, managing security, and performing backup and recovery. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.12(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.77(d)

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