Oracle8i Java Component Programming with Ejb,CORBA and JSP

Oracle8i Java Component Programming with Ejb,CORBA and JSP

by Nirva Morisseau-Leroy, Julie Basu, Martin K. Solomon

"The examples in the book are drawn from real life,and show you how to effectively use Java components to develop enterprise-level database applications step by step. "

—David A. Rosenberg Vice President,Java Platform Group Oracle Corporation The Only Comprehensive Reference on Developing Java Software Components for the Oracle8i Database Build Java

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"The examples in the book are drawn from real life,and show you how to effectively use Java components to develop enterprise-level database applications step by step. "

—David A. Rosenberg Vice President,Java Platform Group Oracle Corporation The Only Comprehensive Reference on Developing Java Software Components for the Oracle8i Database Build Java component-based applications that can access other objects in the Oracle8i environment. Officially authorized by Oracle,this volume explains how to work with the most popular server-side component models for distributed computing systems—Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and CORBA components. The book describes in detail how to develop EJB and CORBA components and design and deploy component-based applications using Java and SQLJ. Step-by-step methods for building JavaServer Page (JSP) applications are also presented. Throughout,you'll learn how to develop database applications that manipulate relational and object-relational database schemas.

  • Learn techniques for working in distributed computing systems

  • Build Enterprise JavaBeans and CORBA components

  • Handle transaction management

  • Develop EJB session beans and write Java/SQLJ EJB clients

  • Create,deploy,and customize component-based applications with Java and SQLJ

  • Build JavaServer Pages (JSPs) with JavaBeans,EJB and CORBA components

  • Develop database applications with JSPs,servlets,and XML

  • Use XML-SQL utility for queries and updates

  • Includes CD-ROM

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional
Publication date:
Oracle Press Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.29(w) x 9.16(h) x 1.79(d)

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