Oracle9i Performance Tuning: Optimizing Database Productivity / Edition 1

Oracle9i Performance Tuning: Optimizing Database Productivity / Edition 1

by Hassan A. Afyouni

This text provides Database Administrators, Database Designers, and Developers with the necessary resources to be proactive in preventing performance problems. This book fully prepares students for the Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning exam (#1Z0-033) under the Oracle9i Certified Professional Database Administrator (DBA) track.See more details below


This text provides Database Administrators, Database Designers, and Developers with the necessary resources to be proactive in preventing performance problems. This book fully prepares students for the Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning exam (#1Z0-033) under the Oracle9i Certified Professional Database Administrator (DBA) track.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.50(d)

Table of Contents

Part 1: 1. Performance Tuning Overview Part 2: 2. Tuning the Buffer Cache 3. Tuning the Redo Log Buffer 4. Tuning the Shared Pool Memory 5. Working with the Program Global Area Part 3: 6. Optimizing Data Storage 7. Optimizing Tablespaces 8. Tuning Undo Segments Part 4: 9. Detecting Lock Contention 10. Other Tuning Issues 11. Advanced Tuning Topics Part 5: 12. Tuning Tools Part 6: 13. SQL Tuning 14. Optimizing Applications 15. Tuning Workshop and Statistic Collector Project Appendix A: Oracle Architecture Overview Appendix B: Diagnostic Queries Collection

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