OS/2 Database Manager: A Developer's Guide

OS/2 Database Manager: A Developer's Guide

by Howard Fosdick

This advanced guide to the design and architecture of the OS/2 Database Manager is written for programmers and software developers. It provides an introduction to programming in Database Manager, as well as instruction in C programming, analyzing applications for performance, and configuring the program to meet the user's specific needs. OS/2 Database Manager

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This advanced guide to the design and architecture of the OS/2 Database Manager is written for programmers and software developers. It provides an introduction to programming in Database Manager, as well as instruction in C programming, analyzing applications for performance, and configuring the program to meet the user's specific needs. OS/2 Database Manager also provides guidance in Structured Query Language and in the proper use of utilities.

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1.34(w) x 3.46(h) x (d)

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