Paradox: A Business Users Guide

Paradox: A Business Users Guide

by Susa Condliffe

Shows how to custom-build database applications, using the latest version of Paradox. The structured approach makes faster work of creating and managing database systems. Describes PAL—Paradox's built-in programming language—and how to make the best use of Paradox menus, validate data, keep the database secure, test it, and add new capabilities. Describes

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Shows how to custom-build database applications, using the latest version of Paradox. The structured approach makes faster work of creating and managing database systems. Describes PAL—Paradox's built-in programming language—and how to make the best use of Paradox menus, validate data, keep the database secure, test it, and add new capabilities. Describes a wealth of programming techniques, and discusses how to fine-tune sample applications. Includes practical, business-oriented examples.

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1.38(w) x 3.58(h) x (d)

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