PC Learning Labs Teaches Visual Fox Pro 3.0

PC Learning Labs Teaches Visual Fox Pro 3.0

by Susan L. Reber, Robert Nichols Kulik

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After years of perfecting innovative software teaching techniques for thousands of students in the classroom, PC Learning Labs presents a proven personal approach that makes learning Visual FoxPro 3.0 a snap. PC Learning Labs believes the quickest way to learn is by doing. And this combination book/disk tool helps you do just that. It delivers the same hands-on… See more details below


After years of perfecting innovative software teaching techniques for thousands of students in the classroom, PC Learning Labs presents a proven personal approach that makes learning Visual FoxPro 3.0 a snap. PC Learning Labs believes the quickest way to learn is by doing. And this combination book/disk tool helps you do just that. It delivers the same hands-on instruction that has helped thousands of beginning users just like you become truly confident and productive with this powerful Windows database tool.

Product Details

Ziff-Davis Press
Publication date:
PC Learning Labs Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.14(h) x 1.11(d)

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