PC Magazine Programming Access 97

PC Magazine Programming Access 97

by Miriam Liskin

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Windows Sources Microsoft Access 97 for Windows SuperGuide takes ambitious users beyond menus and function keys, to provide a solid introduction to the essentials of database operations and application components. You'll learn to develop a practical data application from preliminary analysis and design through the final steps of assembling a complete menu-driven… See more details below


Windows Sources Microsoft Access 97 for Windows SuperGuide takes ambitious users beyond menus and function keys, to provide a solid introduction to the essentials of database operations and application components. You'll learn to develop a practical data application from preliminary analysis and design through the final steps of assembling a complete menu-driven system. Windows Sources Microsoft Access 97 for Windows SuperGuide covers all the bases.

Product Details

Ziff-Davis Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.02(h) x 1.94(d)

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