PC Week Intranet and Internet Firewalls Strategies

PC Week Intranet and Internet Firewalls Strategies

by Ed Amoroso

As more and more companies begin to use the Internet and Intranets in their daily business, the opportunity for violation of their security increases. Firewalls are the solution to this problem-and this book is the complete guide to keeping company's information safe. No prior technical experience is assumed-even the most complex issues are covered in clear,… See more details below


As more and more companies begin to use the Internet and Intranets in their daily business, the opportunity for violation of their security increases. Firewalls are the solution to this problem-and this book is the complete guide to keeping company's information safe. No prior technical experience is assumed-even the most complex issues are covered in clear, easy-to-follow prose.

  • Covers the basics of firewall technologies
  • Shows how to identify specific threats to company security
  • Examines the best ways to implement firewall strategies

Product Details

Ziff-Davis Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.75(d)

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