Performance of Concurrency Control

Performance of Concurrency Control

by Vijay Kumar

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Concurrency Control is one of the essential aspects of modern multiuser database management systems. To help readers harness all the power it has to offer, this book presents the leading theories underlying the models and concurrency control mechanisms (CCMs) needed to execute transactions concurrently. Author Vijay Kumar compiles, in a single volume, numerous… See more details below


Concurrency Control is one of the essential aspects of modern multiuser database management systems. To help readers harness all the power it has to offer, this book presents the leading theories underlying the models and concurrency control mechanisms (CCMs) needed to execute transactions concurrently. Author Vijay Kumar compiles, in a single volume, numerous articles on CCMs and their performance. Coverage begins with semantics and theoretical aspects of concurrency control concept. A number of most commonly known CCMs is then described leading to a taxonomy, and framework of their performance study that also serves as an important link in the history of CCMs. A number of papers on real-time and semantics based concurrency control mechanisms is also included, representing the current research direction in real-time database systems. In addition, several papers highlight the common elements of centralized and distributed transaction processing environments with respect to concurrency.

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Editorial Reviews

Presents perspectives on the theories, implementation, and evaluation of concurrency control, an essential aspect of modern multi-user database management systems. Among the topics are transactions and database processing, serializability-based correctness criteria, the taxonomy of concurrency control mechanisms, two-phase locking performance and its thrashing behavior, synchronizing long-lived computations, data flow graphs, and algorithms for real-time database systems. Eight of the 21 papers have been published previously. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
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7.34(w) x 9.51(h) x 1.19(d)

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