Personalization: Data-Driven Print and Internet Communications

Personalization: Data-Driven Print and Internet Communications

by Patricia Sorce

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This book, the fourth volume in the Printing Industry Center Series, serves as a follow up to Dr. Sorce's previous book, "Data-Driven Print," published in 2006. Here, she documents the importance of utilizing personalization and custom communication techniques, and identifies the best practices, best prospects and associated business models for delivering top value to… See more details below


This book, the fourth volume in the Printing Industry Center Series, serves as a follow up to Dr. Sorce's previous book, "Data-Driven Print," published in 2006. Here, she documents the importance of utilizing personalization and custom communication techniques, and identifies the best practices, best prospects and associated business models for delivering top value to printing clients.

Editorial Reviews

Barb Pellow
In a world where marketers are trying to cut through the media clutter and reach consumers, Dr. Sorce’s book does an excellent job of explaining the importance of delivering a relevant message . . . and blends case histories with critical business concepts to educate the market on both how and why companies need customized communications solutions that have measurable results.
Lem Richards
As a printer trying to assess our strategy in the variable data market, this book was a superb reference in helping our group understand key concepts.

Product Details

RIT Cary Graphic Arts Press
Publication date:
Printing Industry Center Series , #4
Sold by:
Barnes & Noble
File size:
11 MB
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