PHP and MySQL in Easy Steps

PHP and MySQL in Easy Steps

5.0 1
by Mike McGrath

PHP & MySQL in easy steps demonstrates by example how to produce data-driven web pages using the powerful PHP scripting language and the popular free MySQL database server.The book examples provide clear syntax-highlighted code showing how to selectively insert and extract data from databases for presentation on your web browser.

PHP & MySQL in easy

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PHP & MySQL in easy steps demonstrates by example how to produce data-driven web pages using the powerful PHP scripting language and the popular free MySQL database server.The book examples provide clear syntax-highlighted code showing how to selectively insert and extract data from databases for presentation on your web browser.

PHP & MySQL in easy steps begins by explaining how to install a free web server, the PHP interpreter, and MySQL database server, to create an environment in which you can produce your very own data-driven server-side web pages. You will learn how to write PHP server-side scripts and how to make MySQL database queries. Examples illustrate how to store and retrieve Session Data, how to provide a Message Board, and how to create an E-Commerce Shopping Cart.

This book assumes you have no previous experience of any programming or scripting language so is ideal for the newcomer to PHP and MySQL technologies.

Product Details

In Easy Steps Limited
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In Easy Steps Series
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Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.40(d)

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