PHP/MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner (Absolute Beginner Series)

PHP/MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner (Absolute Beginner Series)

by Andy Harris, Andrew Harris

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Create games and learn a new language at the same time! With Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner you will tackle the most widely used language on the Internet and produce something fun. Through adaptive learning, you will be able to take the skills learned in this book and apply them to real-world situations. Cut and paste games included on the CD into your… See more details below


Create games and learn a new language at the same time! With Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner you will tackle the most widely used language on the Internet and produce something fun. Through adaptive learning, you will be able to take the skills learned in this book and apply them to real-world situations. Cut and paste games included on the CD into your own Web sites. Plus, Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner will present the fundamental programming concepts essential to learning your next computer language.

Product Details

Course Technology, Inc.
Publication date:
Absolute Beginner Series
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.26(h) x 0.93(d)

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