PHP Programming with MySQL: The Web Technology Series / Edition 2

PHP Programming with MySQL: The Web Technology Series / Edition 2

3.0 3
by Don Gosselin, Diana Kokoska, Robert Easterbrooks

This book covers the basics of PHP and MySQL along with introductions to advanced topics including object-oriented programming and how to build Web sites that incorporate authentication and security. After you complete this course, you will be able to use PHP and MySQL to build professional quality, database-driven Web sites.See more details below


This book covers the basics of PHP and MySQL along with introductions to advanced topics including object-oriented programming and how to build Web sites that incorporate authentication and security. After you complete this course, you will be able to use PHP and MySQL to build professional quality, database-driven Web sites.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Web Technologies Series
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.20(d)

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started with PHP. 2. Using Functions and Control Structures. 3. Manipulating Strings. 4. Handling User Input. 5. Working with Files and Directories. 6. Manipulating Arrays. 7. Working with Databases and MySQL. 8. Manipulating MySQL Databases with PHP. 9. Managing State Information. 10. Developing Object-Oriented PHP. Appendix A: Working with XHTML. Appendix B: Building a Web Development Environment. Appendix C: Formatting Strings. Appendix D: Secure Coding with PHP. Appendix E: Advanced Debugging Techniques. Appendix F: Connecting to SQL Server and Oracle Databases. Appendix D: Secure Coding with PHP.

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