Practical Microsoft SQL Server 7

Practical Microsoft SQL Server 7

by Brad McGehee, Robert A. Kraft

With Practical Microsoft SQL Server 7 you will learn everything you need to know about SQL Server and how to use it in a corporate setting. You'll cover all the essential topics in a straight forward, no-nonsense manner. Progressing through the book you will learn the basics of SQL Server, how to install and Configure SQL Server, how to administer SQL Server, how to… See more details below


With Practical Microsoft SQL Server 7 you will learn everything you need to know about SQL Server and how to use it in a corporate setting. You'll cover all the essential topics in a straight forward, no-nonsense manner. Progressing through the book you will learn the basics of SQL Server, how to install and Configure SQL Server, how to administer SQL Server, how to securing data and prevent data loss, and how to perform critical administration tasks. After completing the book, you will be able to implement SQL Server in your organization and perform all necessary operations.

Product Details

Publication date:
Practical Series
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.06(h) x 1.71(d)

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