Practical Oracle Security: Your Unauthorized Guide to Relational Database Security

Practical Oracle Security: Your Unauthorized Guide to Relational Database Security

by Josh Shaul, Aaron Ingram

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This is the only practical, hands-on guide available to database administrators to secure their Oracle databases. This book will help the DBA to assess their current level of risk as well as their existing security posture. It will then provide practical, applicable knowledge to appropriately secure the Oracle database. The book’s companion Web site contains

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This is the only practical, hands-on guide available to database administrators to secure their Oracle databases. This book will help the DBA to assess their current level of risk as well as their existing security posture. It will then provide practical, applicable knowledge to appropriately secure the Oracle database. The book’s companion Web site contains dozens of working scripts that DBA’s can use to secure and automate their Oracle databases.

• The only practical, hands-on guide for securing your Oracle database published by independent experts.
• Companion Web site contains dozens of scripts to help you automate security tasks.
• Your Oracle database does not exist in a vacuum, so this book shows you how to securely integrate your database into your enterprise.

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.61(d)

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