Practitioner's Guide to Biometrics

Practitioner's Guide to Biometrics

by William Sloan Coats, Amy Bagdasarian, Tarek J. Helou, Taryn Lam

Biometrics is the most accurate form of identifiers and, when used properly, can greatly simplify life. However, biometrics raise new questions about personal privacy, surveillance, and the effects of government and corporate databases that register and hold fingerprint data and other biometric information. This book covers such topics as ID cards, data theft,… See more details below


Biometrics is the most accurate form of identifiers and, when used properly, can greatly simplify life. However, biometrics raise new questions about personal privacy, surveillance, and the effects of government and corporate databases that register and hold fingerprint data and other biometric information. This book covers such topics as ID cards, data theft, authentication, and digital rights management.

Product Details

American Bar Association
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.15(w) x 10.11(h) x 0.54(d)

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