Pro MSMQ: Microsoft Message Queue Programming / Edition 1

Pro MSMQ: Microsoft Message Queue Programming / Edition 1

by Arohi Redkar, Ken Rabold, Richard Costall, Scot Boyd

This book explores MSMQ so that you can initiate robust, asynchronous communication between applications. MSMQ provides three APIs to incorporate message queuing into different applications. These APIs include "C" from unmanaged C/C++ code; a COM component from VB or C++ code; and the System.Messaging namespace, which integrates MSMQ with managed C# or VB .NET

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This book explores MSMQ so that you can initiate robust, asynchronous communication between applications. MSMQ provides three APIs to incorporate message queuing into different applications. These APIs include "C" from unmanaged C/C++ code; a COM component from VB or C++ code; and the System.Messaging namespace, which integrates MSMQ with managed C# or VB .NET applications.

This is the only book on the market to cover all three APIs. Plus, this book discusses the features of MSMQ 3.0 (released with Windows Server 2003), and explains sending and receiving MSMQ messages on a PocketPC device.

Product Details

Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.67(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introducing message queuing1
Ch. 2System.Messaging55
Ch. 3Administration137
Ch. 4Transactional messaging211
Ch. 5MSMQ triggers235
Ch. 6MSMQ COM and win32 API269
Ch. 7Msmq 3.0303
Ch. 8MSMQ on pocket PC361

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