Pro Oracle Database 10g RAC on Linux: Installation, Administration, and Performance / Edition 1

Pro Oracle Database 10g RAC on Linux: Installation, Administration, and Performance / Edition 1

by John Shaw, Julian Dyke

Real Application Clusters (RAC) and the Grid architecture are Oracle's strategy for scaling out enterprise systems to cope with bigger workloads and more users. Many books limit themselves by conceptualizing and theorizing about RAC technology, but this book is the first to portray implementing and administering an Oracle 10g RAC system in a Linux

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Real Application Clusters (RAC) and the Grid architecture are Oracle's strategy for scaling out enterprise systems to cope with bigger workloads and more users. Many books limit themselves by conceptualizing and theorizing about RAC technology, but this book is the first to portray implementing and administering an Oracle 10g RAC system in a Linux environment. This book features basic concepts underlying Linux and Oracle RAC, design strategies, hardware procurement and configuration, and many other topics.

The RAC-specific technologies described include configuration of the interconnect, OCFS, ASM, Cluster Ready Services, and Grid Control. The Oracle features RMAN and Data Guard are also discussed, along with available hardware options. The authors include practical examples and configuration information, so that upon reading this book, you’ll be armed with the information you need to build an Oracle RAC database on Linux, whether it is on a single laptop or a 64-node Itanium cluster.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Expert's Voice in Oracle Series
Edition description:
1st Corrected ed. 2006. Corr. 3rd printing 2006
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.69(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introduction to RAC1
Ch. 2Introduction to Linux21
Ch. 3RAC concepts31
Ch. 4RAC design59
Ch. 5Benchmarking concepts83
Ch. 6Hardware99
Ch. 7Storage125
Ch. 8Oracle cluster file system (OCFS)171
Ch. 9Automatic storage management (ASM)201
Ch. 10Installing Linux235
Ch. 11Configuring and verifying Linux259
Ch. 12Installing and configuring Oracle software301
Ch. 13Creating and configuring databases327
Ch. 14Installing and configuring enterprise manager363
Ch. 15Linux administration385
Ch. 16Oracle clusteware401
Ch. 17Application development425
Ch. 18Using administrative tools465
Ch. 19Workload management493
Ch. 20Adding and deleting nodes and instances521
Ch. 21Trace and diagnostics553
Ch. 22RAC internals575
Ch. 23Benchmarking tools : Hammerora and Swingbench607
Ch. 24Performance monitoring649
Ch. 25Backup and recovery683
Ch. 26Disaster recovery717
AppThird-party clustering solutions743

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