Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies

by Robin Dewson, Julian Skinner

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies provides a detailed and example-driven tutorial on how to build and use .NET assemblies. The authors focus on building assemblies in C#, but also provide the equivalent VB .NET code in the supplied code download.

Assemblies are not a complete replacement for T-SQL stored procedures and triggers; rather, they’re

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Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies provides a detailed and example-driven tutorial on how to build and use .NET assemblies. The authors focus on building assemblies in C#, but also provide the equivalent VB .NET code in the supplied code download.

Assemblies are not a complete replacement for T-SQL stored procedures and triggers; rather, they’re enhancements, to be used at the right place and right time. This book examines the ins and outs of assemblies when they should and should not be used, what you can do with them, and how you can get the most out of them.

Table of Contents

  1. Introducing Assemblies
  2. Writing a Simple SQL Assembly
  3. The SQL Server .NET Programming Model
  4. CLR Stored Procedures
  5. User-Defined Functions
  6. User-Defined Types
  7. User-Defined Aggregates
  8. CLR Triggers
  9. Error Handling and Debugging Strategies
  10. Security
  11. Integrating Assemblies with Other Technologies

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Product Details

Publication date:
Expert's Voice Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.62(d)

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