Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication

Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication

5.0 1
by Sujoy Paul

Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication is for Microsoft database developers and administrators who want to learn about the different types of replication and those best suited to SQL Server 2008. This book will also cover advanced topics like replication with heterogeneous databases, backup and recovery of replicated databases, database mirroring with replication

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Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication is for Microsoft database developers and administrators who want to learn about the different types of replication and those best suited to SQL Server 2008. This book will also cover advanced topics like replication with heterogeneous databases, backup and recovery of replicated databases, database mirroring with replication, log shipping with replication, troubleshooting, plus optimization and tuning. Tools like tablediff, SQLCMD, DTA, SQL Profiler, and Replication Monitor will be discussed to demonstrate the different techniques used in monitoring, administering, and troubleshooting replication.

  • Examines the detailed configuration and the internal workings of the different replication types using real–life scenarios
  • Covers replication with database mirroring and troubleshooting
  • Discusses replication administration using different tools

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Replication Basics
  3. Types of Replication
  4. Configuring Snapshot Replication Using the GUI
  5. Configuring Snapshot Replication Using T-SQL
  6. Snapshot Generation
  7. Internals of Snapshot Replication
  8. Configuring Transactional Replication Using the GUI
  9. Configuring Transactional Replication Using T-SQL
  10. Internals of Transactional Replication
  11. Configuring Merge Replication Using the GUI
  12. Web Synchronization with Merge Replication
  13. Configuring Merge Replication Using T-SQL
  14. The Internals of Merge Replication
  15. Backup and Recovery of Snapshot and Transactional Replication
  16. Backup and Recovery of Merge Replication
  17. Optimizing Snapshot Replication
  18. Optimizing Transactional Replication
  19. Optimizing Merge Replication
  20. Heterogeneous Replication

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Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.90(d)

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