Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services

Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services

by Brian McDonald, Shawn McGehee, Rodney Landrum

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Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services opens the door to delivering customizable, web-enabled reports across your business at reasonable cost. Reporting Services is Microsoft’s enterprise-level reporting platform. It is included with many editions of SQL Server, and is something you’ll want to take advantage of if you’re running SQL

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Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services opens the door to delivering customizable, web-enabled reports across your business at reasonable cost. Reporting Services is Microsoft’s enterprise-level reporting platform. It is included with many editions of SQL Server, and is something you’ll want to take advantage of if you’re running SQL Server as your database engine.

Reporting Services provides a full set of toolswithwhich to create and deploy reports. Create interactive reports for business users. Define reporting models from which business users can generate their own ad hoc reports. Pull data from relational databases, from XML, and from other sources. Present that data to users in tabular and graphical forms, and more. Reporting Services experts Brian McDonald, Rodney Landrum, and Shawn McGehee show how to do all this and much more in this third edition of their longstanding book on the topic.

  • Provides best practices for using Reporting Services
  • Covers the very latest in new features for SQL Server 2012
  • Your key to delivering business intelligence across the enterprise

What you’ll learn

  • Write efficient queries on which to base a report
  • Build and lay out a report using Report Designer
  • Enable end users to create ad hoc reports on demand
  • Combine Reporting Services with Analysis Services, SharePoint Server, and other technologies to deliver business intelligence across the enterprise
  • Secure and audit your reports as part of your regulatory compliance efforts
  • Customize your reports using C# assemblies and embedded Visual Basic .NET code

Who this book is for

Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services is aimed at data analysts, developers, database administrators, and others who develop and deploy reports using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

Table of Contents

1. Introducing the Reporting Services Architecture

2. Report Authoring: Designing Efficienc Queries

3. Introduction to Reporting Services Design with SQL Server Data Tools

4. Laying Out A Report

5. Implementing Dashboard-Style Report Objects

6. Building Reports

7. Using Custom .NET Code with Reports

8. Deploying Reports

9. Rendering Reports from .NET Applications

10. Managing Reports

11. Securing Reports

12. Delivering Business Intelligence using SSRS

13. Creating Reports using Report Builder 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0

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Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
3rd ed. 2012
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.20(d)

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