Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel / Edition 7

Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel / Edition 7

by Ellen Monk, Joseph Brady, Spring W. Davidson

PROBLEM-SOLVING CASES IN MICROSOFT ACCESS AND EXCEL, Tenth Annual Edition helps you apply the Access database management system and Excel spreadsheet to effectively analyze and solve real-world, business problems. Six individual tutorials build a practical knowledge of each software application's capabilities, while twelve all-new case studies present scenarios… See more details below


PROBLEM-SOLVING CASES IN MICROSOFT ACCESS AND EXCEL, Tenth Annual Edition helps you apply the Access database management system and Excel spreadsheet to effectively analyze and solve real-world, business problems. Six individual tutorials build a practical knowledge of each software application's capabilities, while twelve all-new case studies present scenarios and problems common in business. Further, a skill-building integration feature requires readers to use Access and Excel together on cases, making this the most up-to-date, practical guide for these widely used software programs.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
8.40(w) x 11.10(h) x 0.60(d)

Table of Contents

PART I: DATABASE CASES USING ACCESS. Tutorial A. Database Design. Tutorial B. Microsoft Access. Case 1. Preliminary Case: The Fireplace Shop. Case 2. Decorative Concrete Database. Case 3. Collective Coupons Tracking Database. Case 4. The Moveable Art Database. Case 5. The Animal Loan Database. PART II: DECISION SUPPORT CASES USING EXCEL SCENARIO MANAGER. Tutorial C. Building a Decision Support System in Excel. Case 6. Buffalo Ben's Game Ranch Expansion Decision. Case 7. The Fruit Pie Investment Decision. PART III: DECISION SUPPORT CASES USING MICROSOFT EXCEL SOLVER. Tutorial D. Building a Decision Support System Using Microsoft Excel Solver. Case 8. Desert Airlines Aircraft Assignment Problem. Case 9. Premier Plastics Line Scheduling Plan. PART IV: DECISION SUPPORT CASE USING BASIC EXCEL FUNCTIONALITY. Case 10. The State Pension Funding Problem. PART V: INTEGRATION CASES USING ACCESS AND EXCEL. Case 11. The Common Stock Analysis. Case 12. The Teacher Evaluation System. PART VI: ADVANCED SKILLS USING EXCEL. Tutorial E: Guidance for Excel Cases PART VII: PRESENTATION SKILLS. Tutorial F. Giving an Oral Presentation.

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