Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Fourth Annual Edition / Edition 4

Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Fourth Annual Edition / Edition 4

by Ellen Monk, Joseph Brady

Now in its Fourth Annual Edition, Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel helps build spreadsheet and database skills using brand new realistic business cases and is the perfect complement to any computer literacy or MIS course. Each case introduces an interesting and realistic business problem and, with the help of tutorials on Microsoft Access and

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Now in its Fourth Annual Edition, Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel helps build spreadsheet and database skills using brand new realistic business cases and is the perfect complement to any computer literacy or MIS course. Each case introduces an interesting and realistic business problem and, with the help of tutorials on Microsoft Access and Excel, trains users in critical thinking and problem solving using application software. The new scenarios added to this edition reflect real business situations, ranging from small, privately-owned companies to large corporations.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
8.50(w) x 10.90(h) x 0.80(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Database Cases Using Access
Tutorial ADatabase Design2
Tutorial BMicrosoft Access13
Case 1Preliminary Case: The Cafeteria Paper Products Business55
Case 2The Sailboat Rental Business60
Case 3The Adult Education Program65
Case 4The Plant Nursery72
Case 5The Stock Portfolio81
Pt. 2Decision Support Cases Using Excel Scenario Manager
Tutorial CBuilding a Decision Support System in Excel87
Case 6Preliminary Case: King Pictures' Movie-Pricing Decision113
Case 7The Aphrodite Shoe Company Manufacturing and Marketing Decision122
Pt. 3Decision Support Cases Using Excel Solver
Tutorial DBuilding a Decision Support System Using Excel's Solver137
Case 8The Product Mix at Bernie's Restaurant158
Case 9The University Curriculum Design Problem167
Pt. 4Decision Support Case: Without Scenario Manager or Solver
Case 10The Mega Corporation's ERP Decision178
Pt. 5Integration Case: Using Excel and Access
Case 11NanoHexamics' Marketing Analysis193
Pt. 6Presentation Skills
Tutorial EGiving an Oral Presentation205

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