Processing And Managing Complex Data For Decision Support

Processing And Managing Complex Data For Decision Support

by Jerome Darmont

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In many decision support fields the data that is exploited tends to be more and more complex. To take this phenomenon into account, classical architectures of data warehouses or data mining algorithms must be completely re-evaluated.

Processing and Managing Complex Data for Decision Support provides readers with an overview of the emerging field of

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In many decision support fields the data that is exploited tends to be more and more complex. To take this phenomenon into account, classical architectures of data warehouses or data mining algorithms must be completely re-evaluated.

Processing and Managing Complex Data for Decision Support provides readers with an overview of the emerging field of complex data processing by bringing together various research studies and surveys in different subfields, and by highlighting the similarities between the different data, issues, and approaches. This book deals with important topics such as: complex data warehousing, including spatial, XML, and text warehousing; and complex data mining, including distance metrics and similarity measures, pattern management, multimedia, and gene sequence mining.

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IGI Global
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Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 1.00(d)

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