Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services

Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services

5.0 1
by Brian Knight, Erik Veerman, Jessica M. Moss, Mike Davis

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Practical solutions and best practices for getting the most out of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services

The 2012 release of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) offers significant new and enhanced features that greatly expand the capabilities of this product—but only if you know how to exploit them effectively. This book shows you how. It

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Practical solutions and best practices for getting the most out of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services

The 2012 release of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) offers significant new and enhanced features that greatly expand the capabilities of this product—but only if you know how to exploit them effectively. This book shows you how. It not only covers the latest features of the 2012 product release, it teaches you best practices for using them effectively. Each chapter includes helpful case studies and tutorial examples—all based on years of the expert authors' real-world experience—to better illustrate concepts and techniques.

Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services:

  • Explains how to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data with SSIS
  • Covers each of the many SSIS tasks and Data Flow components
  • Teaches you the most effective techniques for performance tuning SSIS
  • Covers advanced techniques for data cleansing and incremental loads
  • Shows how to load a data warehouse using built-in components in SSIS
  • Covers best practices for manageability and scalability

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7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.80(d)

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