Professional Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Admin

Professional Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Admin

by Sharon Dooley, Robert Smith, Kevin Kline, Tom Walsh

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With detailed information for developers, designers and administrators, this book shows users how to install and set up SQL Server painlessly. Security, backup and recovery isues are fully explained. It demystifies management, monitoring, replication and debugging. All the major front end tools are discussed--VB, Foxpro, Delphi, Access and SQL.See more details below


With detailed information for developers, designers and administrators, this book shows users how to install and set up SQL Server painlessly. Security, backup and recovery isues are fully explained. It demystifies management, monitoring, replication and debugging. All the major front end tools are discussed--VB, Foxpro, Delphi, Access and SQL.

Product Details

Wrox Press, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.31(w) x 9.27(h) x 1.19(d)

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