Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway

Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway

by Frederick B. Cohen, Fredrick B. Cohen

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Discusses the wide realm of issues facing the world's information security, focusing on the practical solutions to a variety of specific problems confronting small to large businesses, government, the military and individuals. Contains a wealth of examples that will attract the attention of anyone concerned with protecting information assets while offering a plan for… See more details below


Discusses the wide realm of issues facing the world's information security, focusing on the practical solutions to a variety of specific problems confronting small to large businesses, government, the military and individuals. Contains a wealth of examples that will attract the attention of anyone concerned with protecting information assets while offering a plan for attacking the problem in an organization.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
Some think the next war will not be fought in the skies, or on the seas, or even across a field. Instead, it will occur over a global information infrastructure, where national boundaries dissolve and jurisdictions vanish. Cohen, the inventor of the term "computer virus" and a computer security expert for more than two decades, provides an overview of this war's battlefield. His inviting book helps you understand the threat; the last two chapters in particular review protection schemes and their costs. Current losses due to inadequate computer security in the United States amount to $10 billion a year, and case studies presented here make you realize that these losses will probably grow at an alarming rate as more computers are hooked into ill-protected networks. Overall, a good place to start learning more about security and protection, this book is an excellent introduction to the issues, terms, and concepts.
Weaknesses in information systems have been exploited to gain the upper hand in negotiations, ruin reputations, win military conflicts, and commit serious crimes. Cohen discusses the seriousness of information security, how it can affect people, organizational vulnerability, and what can be done for protection. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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6.14(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.82(d)

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