QR/Paradox 5 for Windows for Dummies

QR/Paradox 5 for Windows for Dummies

by Scott D. Palmer, Scott Palmer

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Anyone who's used Paradox knows that this popular database application has no lack of powerful features. Now, with Paradox 5 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference, all those features, along with expert techniques, shortcuts, and real-world examples, are at your fingertips whenever you need them. Cross-referenced to Paradox® 5 For Windows® ForSee more details below


Anyone who's used Paradox knows that this popular database application has no lack of powerful features. Now, with Paradox 5 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference, all those features, along with expert techniques, shortcuts, and real-world examples, are at your fingertips whenever you need them. Cross-referenced to Paradox® 5 For Windows® For Dummies® to give you instant access to in-depth coverage, this compact reference contains not only the guidance you need to enter and retrieve information from Paradox databases, but also the practical, how-to tips you need to design your own databases from scratch.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
5.04(w) x 8.01(h) x 0.59(d)

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