Querying Databases Privately: A New Approach to Private Information Retrieval / Edition 1

Querying Databases Privately: A New Approach to Private Information Retrieval / Edition 1

by Dmitri Asonov

The Internet and the worldwide web play an increasingly important role in our private and professional activities, for example in accessing information about cultural, political, economical, medical or scientific information. Many people assume that they can access such information privately.

This book addresses the topic of querying information privately in a

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The Internet and the worldwide web play an increasingly important role in our private and professional activities, for example in accessing information about cultural, political, economical, medical or scientific information. Many people assume that they can access such information privately.

This book addresses the topic of querying information privately in a systematic and comprehensive way, developing practical solutions in the context of database systems. Based on thorough theoretical analyses, the author develops concepts for solutions of real-world settings, in particular for scalable database systems.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #3128
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.01(d)

Table of Contents

and Related Work.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Related Work.- Almost Optimal PIR.- 3 PIR with O(1) Query Response Time and O(1) Communication.- 4 Improving Processing and Preprocessing Complexity.- 5 Experimental Analysis of Shuffling Algorithms.- Generalizing the PIR Model.- 6 Repudiative Information Retrieval.- 7 Digital Rights Management for PIR.- Discussion.- 8 Conclusion and Future Work.- References.

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