Quick Course in Microsoft Access 2000: Effective Software Training for People in a Hurry

Quick Course in Microsoft Access 2000: Effective Software Training for People in a Hurry

by Online Press, Inc, Cnline Press Anc, Online Press Inc

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Fast-paced, to-the-point tutorials and learning exercises for quickly grasping Office basics. Designed for the beginning to intermediate student, Quick Course books can be used for self training and instructor-led classes, focusing on using the computer to get specific tasks done in a work environment.See more details below


Fast-paced, to-the-point tutorials and learning exercises for quickly grasping Office basics. Designed for the beginning to intermediate student, Quick Course books can be used for self training and instructor-led classes, focusing on using the computer to get specific tasks done in a work environment.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Quick Course Series
Product dimensions:
7.31(w) x 9.32(h) x 0.37(d)

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