Rare Association Rule Mining And Knowledge Discovery

Rare Association Rule Mining And Knowledge Discovery

by Yun Sing Koh

The growing complexity and volume of modern databases make it increasingly important for researchers and practitioners involved with association rule mining to make sense of the information they contain. Rare Association Rule Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Technologies for Infrequent and Critical Event Detection provides readers with an in-depth compendium of

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The growing complexity and volume of modern databases make it increasingly important for researchers and practitioners involved with association rule mining to make sense of the information they contain. Rare Association Rule Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Technologies for Infrequent and Critical Event Detection provides readers with an in-depth compendium of current issues, trends, and technologies in association rule mining. Covering a comprehensive range of topics, this book discusses underlying frameworks, mining techniques, interest metrics, and real-world application domains within the field.

Product Details

IGI Global
Publication date:
Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining (ADWM) Book Series
Product dimensions:
8.70(w) x 11.20(h) x 1.10(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1 Rare Association Rule Mining: An Overview 1

Ch. 2 Association Rule and Quantitative Association Rule Mining among Infrequent Items 15

Ch. 3 Replacing Support in Association Rule Mining 33

Ch. 4 Effective Mining of Weighted Fuzzy Association Rules 47

Ch. 5 Rare Class Association Rule Mining with Multiple Imbalanced Attributes 66

Ch. 6 A Multi-Methodological Approach to Rare Association Rule Mining 76

Ch. 7 Finding Minimal Infrequent Elements in Multi-Dimensional Data Defined over Partially Ordered Sets and its Applications 98

Ch. 8 Discovering Interesting Patterns in Numerical Data with Background Knowledge 118

Ch. 9 Mining Rare Association Rules by Discovering Quasi-Functional Dependencies: An Incremental Approach 131

Ch. 10 Mining Unexpected Sequential Patterns and Implication Rules 150

Ch. 11 Mining Hidden Association Rules from Real-Life Data 168

Ch. 12 Strong Symmetric Association Rules and Interestingness Measures 185

Ch. 13 He Wasn't There Again Today 205

Ch. 14 Filtering Association Rules by Their Semantics and Structures 216

Ch. 15 Creating Risk-Scores in Very Imbalanced Datasets: Predicting Extremely Violent Crime among Criminal Offenders Following Release from Prison 231

Ch. 16 Boosting Prediction Accuracy of Bad Payments in Financial Credit Applications 255

Compilation of References 270

Index 296

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