Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide / Edition 3

Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide / Edition 3

by Lilian Hobbs, Ken England, Ian Smith

The definitive book on Oracle's Rdb database.

Written by a team of bestselling database experts, including a principal product architect, this is unquestionably the definitive book on Oracle's Rdb8, the latest version of the powerful database for advanced enterprise applications. Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition teaches administrators, programmers,

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The definitive book on Oracle's Rdb database.

Written by a team of bestselling database experts, including a principal product architect, this is unquestionably the definitive book on Oracle's Rdb8, the latest version of the powerful database for advanced enterprise applications. Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition teaches administrators, programmers, database designers and IT managers the critical components and functions of the new version 8 and explains how to develop powerful Rdb8 programs. The book specifically addresses new Rdb8 management, tuning and scalability tools and describes the new Rdb/NT Workbench for Windows NT. No other source gives readers the authoritative and timely information provided by Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition.

Only book on Rdb8
Written by Rdb8 experts from Oracle, including the principal product architect
Explains how to use Rdb8 on both Windows NT and OpenVMS

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
0.97(w) x 7.50(h) x 9.25(d)

Table of Contents

Components; Data definition; Data manipulation; Storage structures; Table access; The optimizer; Transaction management; Security; Database integrity; Database restructuring; Tuning and optimization; Distributing Rdb databases; Interoperability; The Internet and Rdb; Database tools; Application programming; Rdb/NT Workbench; Appendix: Banking Database Definition

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