Recommender Systems: An Introduction

Recommender Systems: An Introduction

by Dietmar Jannach, Markus Zanker, Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich

This book introduces different approaches to developing recommender systems that automate choice-making strategies to provide affordable, personal, and high-quality recommendations.See more details below


This book introduces different approaches to developing recommender systems that automate choice-making strategies to provide affordable, personal, and high-quality recommendations.

Product Details

Cambridge University Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.90(d)

Table of Contents

Foreword Joseph A. Konstan ix

Preface xiii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Part I: Introduction to basic concepts 2

1.2 Part II: Recent developments 8

Part I Introduction to Basic Concepts

2 Collaborative recommendation 13

2.1 User-based nearest neighbor recommendation 13

2.2 Item-based nearest neighbor recommendation 18

2.3 About ratings 22

2.4 Further model-based and preprocessing-based approaches 26

2.5 Recent practical approaches and systems 40

2.6 Discussion and summary 47

2.7 Bibliographical notes 49

3 Content-based recommendation 51

3.1 Content representation and content similarity 52

3.2 Similarity-based retrieval 58

3.3 Other text classification methods 63

3.4 Discussion 74

3.5 Summary 77

3.6 Bibliographical notes 79

4 Knowledge-based recommendation 81

4.1 Introduction 81

4.2 Knowledge representation and reasoning 82

4.3 Interacting with constraint-based recommenders 87

4.4 Interacting with case-based recommenders 101

4.5 Example applications 113

4.6 Bibliographical notes 122

5 Hybrid recommendation approaches 124

5.1 Opportunities for hybridization 125

5.2 Monolithic hybridization design 129

5.3 Parallelized hybridization design 134

5.4 Pipelined hybridization design 138

5.5 Discussion and summary 141

5.6 Bibliographical notes 142

6 Explanations in recommender systems 143

6.1 Introduction 143

6.2 Explanations in constraint-based recommenders 147

6.3 Explanations in case-based recommenders 157

6.4 Explanations in collaborative filtering recommenders 161

6.5 Summary 165

7 Evaluating recommender systems 166

7.1 Introduction 166

7.2 General properties of evaluation research 167

7.3 Popular evaluation designs 175

7.4 Evaluation on historical datasets 177

7.5 Alternate evaluation designs 184

7.6 Summary 187

7.7 Bibliographical notes 188

8 Case study: Personalized game recommendations on the mobile Internet 189

8.1 Application and personalization overview 191

8.2 Algorithms and ratings 193

8.3 Evaluation 194

8.4 Summary and conclusions 206

Part II Recent Developments

9 Attacks on collaborative recommender systems 211

9.1 A first example 212

9.2 Attack dimensions 213

9.3 Attack types 214

9.4 Evaluation of effectiveness and countermeasures 219

9.5 Countermeasures 221

9.6 Privacy aspects - distributed collaborative filtering 225

9.7 Discussion 232

10 Online consumer decision making 234

10.1 Introduction 234

10.2 Context effects 236

10.3 Primacy/recency effects 240

10.4 Further effects 243

10.5 Personality and social psychology 245

10.6 Bibliographical notes 252

11 Recommender systems and the next-generation web 253

11.1 Trust-aware recommender systems 254

11.2 Folksonomies and more 262

11.3 Ontological filtering 279

11.4 Extracting semantics from the web 285

11.5 Summary 288

12 Recommendations in ubiquitous environments 289

12.1 Introduction 289

12.2 Context-aware recommendation 291

12.3 Application domains 294

12.4 Summary 297

13 Summary and outlook 299

13.1 Summary 299

13.2 Outlook 300

Bibliography 305

Index 333

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